Water Pressure Increased by Henry Hardy Builders
Water Pressure Boosting
Are you getting enough water pressure or simply not getting enough water?
Henry Hardy Builders in partnership with Hurlstone Associates offer bespoke solutions for boosting water supply and water pressure.
It's not your imagination, there are solid reasons why we feel our water pressure has dropped over the years. There is an ever increasing demand for water, en-suite bathrooms, power showers and fittings that require pressures up to 3-bar pressure. At the same time the water companies are actively reducing water pressure to ensure their infrastructure can cope with demand, as well as to reach their leakage targets enforced by OFWAT. They normally guarantee 1 bar, however in some instances water suppliers can supply a service as low as 0.7 bar. We are finding that customers are increasingly asking for help with water pressure in their homes.
From a simple under-the-worktop or wall mounted booster, to an entire underground plant room, we have installed many water boosting units, and have the expertise. In recent years we have designed and installed water pressure boosting systems for single houses right through to a 180-flat housing development.